Sarah Forshaw, Gordon Moody’s head of service development, said that her team recognizes the challenges the loved ones of harmed players face. Gordon Moody Recognizes the Challenges Affected Others Face It will develop through the pilot with the aim of becoming a staple across Gordon Moody’s centers in 2024. The new service is led by veteran staff that includes people with lived experience as an affected other.
Affected people can receive one-to-one therapy, a mediation service and an opportunity to join sessions with other people who have been harmed by someone else’s gambling.Ī major thing that makes the Affected Other Service special is the fact that involving a problem player’s family and friends can boost the treatment process and lead to better outcomes. The Affected Others Service is being piloted at the charity’s center in Dudley and is designed to support those affected by someone else’s harm throughout their whole journey to full recovery. The new service seeks to provide guidance, support and counsel to people who have a loved one who is in treatment with Gordon Moody. Gordon Moody, a British charity seeking to help people affected by problem gambling, has unveiled the Gordon Moody Affected Others Service.